Sierra Club San Diego Chapter Organization
Sierra Club members living in San Diego and Imperial Counties are automatically enrolled in the Sierra Club San Diego, which currently numbers over 13,000. Meetings and outings are open to members and interested non-members.
The San Diego Chapter’s primary sub-entities are Groups, Sections, and Committees.
- Groups are formally recognized by the Club with geographical boundaries and have more stringent requirements than committees and sections. Currently, there are two Groups: the North County Group and the North County Coastal Group (Coasters). Club members automatically become members of the Group in their geographical area, similar to automatic membership in their Chapter.
- Sections form to unite members sharing common interests so they may share activities together. Membership is optional and Sections may charge for membership. Examples are Photography, Social, and Ski.
- Committees work to address a particular area of Club or Chapter interest. Members volunteer their time to work on the committee issue. Primary examples are Conservation, Outings, Legal, Political, Finance, Hi Sierran (newsletter), and Membership. Each year two special committees are formed for chapter elections: Nominating and Election. Many committees, including the Executive Committee, don’t have separate bylaws. Some committees, particularly the Conservation Committee, have their own sub-committees addressing more granular areas of interest.