Join more than 13,000 members in San Diego and Imperial Counties.


Sprawl Costs Us All


Announcing Sierra Club’s New Executive Director

It is with great excitement that I write to you, as President of the Sierra Club, to share the news that the Board of Directors just voted unanimously in support of Ben Jealous, an experienced civil rights leader, community organizer,  and coalition builder to be our new Executive Director.

We’re thrilled to welcome Ben to our organization. Ben’s passion for the outdoors and commitment to fighting for the environment, and his work leading People for the American Way and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – two of the nation’s most influential groups pursuing equity and justice and protecting democracy – makes him uniquely qualified to lead the Sierra Club at these intersections as our journey continues to create a healthy and sustainable planet for all.   Read more here.

Looking to get active?  Want to help protect our natural world and communities?

Let us help you find your perfect volunteer opportunity.  Just fill out our volunteer form HERE and one of our Coordinators of Volunteers will get right back to you and get you going!

Call for Executive Committee Nominations

The Sierra Club San Diego Nominating Committee is seeking Chapter members to run for the Chapter Executive Committee (ExCom) in the 2024 Election. The committee seeks a diverse pool of candidates, balanced in terms of gender, ethnicity, and geography. The Sierra Club San Diego membership will elect two (2) Executive Committee members in 2024.  The two candidates receiving the highest vote will be elected to three year terms.  Nominations are due July 31, 2024.

The candidate questionnaire is available HERE or by emailing

More information here.



Kick Your Climate Action Into the Next Level

We all want to do our part to stop climate change.

But how? Figuring out where to start or what to do can seem overwhelming.

It turns out that there are lots of things that we can all do to reduce our carbon emissions. Our At Home Climate Fact Sheets provide information on how to start—right now! Even making a few changes can help a lot. If everyone does their part, we can make the future healthier and brighter for all life on our planet.

Please check out our Climate Action Web Page. It’s filled with 1 page Fact Sheets that will help you get started. Be sure to share them with your friends and family. We are all in this together.

At Home Climate Fact Sheets – English

Acciones Climáticas en Casa – Spanish


Meetings and Activities

Visit the Full Activities Calendar

Hiking and Biking Calendar

Visit the Full Hiking and Biking Calendar


Sierra Club worked with Environmental Justice  and National Partners who released this platform (info here EJ and National Group Leadership met with a number of members of Congress on both the House and Senate side to discuss the joint platform and what it means for future climate policy.

Encourage your local government to fight climate change!

We’ve lots of suggested actions you can take locally.

Take Action


Read the Chapter’s latest HiSierran Newsletter

July-September 2024 HiSierran

July, August, September 2024 HiSierran newsletter front page


Help Support the San Diego Chapter

It’s never a bad time to donate your car/boat/motorcycle and you may qualify for a tax deduction!.

Select the San Diego Chapter when you donate.