At Home Climate Actions

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We all want to do our part to stop the climate from warming to protect our own lives, future generations, and the natural world. But how? Where can one person start? Turns out, it is simple! There are many things each of us can do to increase our resilience and reduce our climate warming emissions. Below you will find a series of Fact Sheets that will provide information on how to start — now and at home. Even making a few changes can help a lot. If everyone does their part, we can make the future safer, healthier, and more livable for all living beings.

The full set of Fact Sheets is here, or each can be found below.

Climate Basics: Change Begins at Home

Nurture Nature: Regenerate Nature One Yard at a Time

Grow Trees: Expand the Urban Tree Canopy

Use Clean Energy: Efficiency Can Save Money and Improve Health

Grow Food, Buy Local: Increase Food Security

Protect from Extreme Heat: Heat Can Be Deadly

Electrify Landscaping: Protect Worker Health and the Environment

Walk, Bike, Ride Transit: Clean Trips Make a Difference

Work for Justice: Like All Ecological Systems, We Are All Connected

Make Positive Change: Engage in Land and Climate Protection

Full Set of Fact Sheets

Soon to Come

  • Reduce Solid Waste
  • Conserve and Protect Water
  • Support Youth